knoxville what time is it in

Check the Current Local Time in Knoxville

Ever thought about what the time is in Knoxville, Tennessee? If you’re planning a visit or need to set up a meeting, it’s good to know. The time in Knoxville is based on Eastern Time. But, it can change with the season.

Key Takeaways

  • Knoxville follows Eastern Standard Time (EST) and Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) during daylight saving.
  • The current time in Knoxville is aligned with New York’s time zone.
  • Geographical coordinates: 35°58’N latitude, 83°55’W longitude; elevation: 276 meters.
  • Local time offset: UTC/GMT -4 hours during daylight saving.
  • Seasonal temperatures in Knoxville average around 76°F.

Current Local Time in Knoxville

Are you wondering, “What time is it in Knoxville right now?” The current time in Knoxville is updated regularly. This ensures everyone knows the correct time, be it residents, businesses, or travelers.

Knoxville is on Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), like many East Coast cities. This common time zone helps keep activities in sync and businesses running smoothly. It’s key to knowing the local time if you’re attending events or reaching out to people in Knoxville.

Look at the table below to see how Knoxville’s time lines up with other cities:

City Current Time
New York 11:52 PM EDT
Washington D.C. 11:52 PM EDT
Atlanta 11:52 PM EDT

Knowing Knoxville’s time is critical for correct planning, be it for a meeting, a visit, or a call. Stay on track with Knoxville what time is it in using trusted sources for time updates.

Knoxville Time Zone

Knoxville is in the Eastern Time Zone, which covers the eastern part of the U.S. Many big cities are part of it, like New York. It also includes small towns. Knoxville changes between Eastern Standard Time and Eastern Daylight Time based on the season.

Knoxville time zone

Understanding Eastern Time Zone

The Eastern Time Zone is home to many big cities in the U.S., like New York. Places like Knoxville follow this time. They use Eastern Standard Time (EST) most of the year. This matches the time used in finance, media, and transportation, like in the Eastern Time Zone.

Daylight Saving Time in Knoxville

In the Eastern Time Zone, Knoxville does daylight saving time. This means setting clocks ahead by one hour in March. Then, in November, clocks go back. The 2024 changes are March 10 for EDT and November 3 for EST.

Knoxville Time Difference with Major Cities

Knoxville’s time difference with other big cities is key for meeting plans or travel. It’s in the same time zone as places like Birmingham, Detroit, and Atlanta. But, the time differs from New York and Los Angeles, changing how you schedule things.

Time Difference with New York

New York shares Knoxville’s time zone. This is great for talking and setting up trips between the two. It makes planning events and times to meet much easier.

Time Difference with Los Angeles

However, Los Angeles is in the Pacific Time Zone, causing a big time difference. When it’s noon in Knoxville, it’s 9:00 am in LA with Daylight Saving Time, or 8:00 am without. This is a three-hour gap that’s important to remember when setting up meetings or calls.

Take scheduling a meeting from Nashville to Knoxville as an example. The best time for Nashville is between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM. In Knoxville, this is 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. This shows how knowing the time difference is crucial for smooth communications across different cities.

How to Easily Check Knoxville What Time Is It In

For those asking what time is it in Knoxville, finding the answer is easy. You just need to use some online tools. It’s important to know Knoxville’s current local time for many reasons. This includes catching flights, having meetings, and scheduling activities. Websites such as and provide you with up-to-date information on Knoxville’s time.

check local time in Knoxville

If you’re traveling, getting the timing right is very important. McGhee Tyson Airport (TYS) in Knoxville is busy with flights. On a Wednesday night, there are usually 17 flights coming in. Thursday mornings, on the other hand, see 19 flights going out. It’s good to know that all 19 Thursday departures left on time. Fortunately, 10 of the 17 Wednesday night arrivals were also on time.

Avoiding delays is a big deal for airlines like Delta, American, Allegiant, United, Frontier, and Avelo at TYS. Yet, delays can still happen. For example, three flights on Wednesday night were late by about 16 minutes each.

Knoxville offers direct flights to key cities like Atlanta, Chicago, and Dallas-Fort Worth. It also includes Denver, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington. Always make sure to check local time in Knoxville before you travel. This will help you avoid missing your flight.

Local transport in Knoxville is supported by Knoxville Area Transit (KAT). It serves approximately 3 million people every year with its 23 fixed routes. KAT makes getting around Knoxville easy and affordable. It is a great option for timely travel in the city.

Flight Statistics Details
Total Arrivals (Wednesday Night) 17 flights
Total Departures (Thursday Morning) 19 flights
Punctuality Rate All Thursday departures were on time; 10 out of 17 Wednesday arrivals were on time
Delayed Flights 3 Wednesday arrivals had delays
Airlines at TYS Delta, American, Allegiant, United, Frontier, Avelo

For both locals and visitors, knowing Knoxville’s local time is key. This is especially true if you’re traveling or trying to plan activities. Having the correct time for Knoxville ensures things go smoothly and on time.

Tools to Check Knoxville Local Time

Knowing Knoxville’s time is key for meetings or trips. You can use tools like Knoxville clock widgets for websites. There are also mobile apps for easy time checks.

Knoxville clock widgets

Clock Widgets for Your Website

Need a way to show Knoxville time on your site? Knoxville clock widgets are your answer. CustomWeather lets you add customizable clocks to your web pages. They display the correct local time, using the US/Eastern time zone, which is perfect for keeping track of time.

Mobile Apps for Checking Time

For those who are constantly moving, mobile apps are handy. These Knoxville time checkers apps work on Android and iOS. They update in real-time and adjust for daylight savings automatically. So, you’ll always know Knoxville’s time accurately, good for calls or scheduling, even with places like McGhee Tyson Airport or North Carolina.

Location Best Time for Calls Notes
McGhee Tyson Airport 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Overlapping hours with Knoxville
North Carolina 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Same time zone as Knoxville

These tools, both widgets and apps, help you keep up with Knoxville’s time smoothly.

Knoxville Sunrise and Sunset Times

Knowing exactly when the sun rises and sets in Knoxville is key, especially for those who enjoy their days fully. The sunrise and sunset times in Knoxville change, affecting how long the day lasts here.

Today’s Sunrise and Sunset

On June 1st, Knoxville starts the day at 6:21 am and ends it at 8:48 pm. This means a total of 14 hours and 27 minutes of daylight. The longest day, June 20th, has a sunrise at 6:20 am and sunset at 8:50 pm, offering 14 hours and 31 minutes of daylight.

This extra time is perfect for all kinds of activities and outdoor fun.

Knoxville sunrise time

Importance of Knowing Day Length

It’s critical to know how long the day is in Knoxville for planning. More sunlight means more time to enjoy outdoor activities. For instance, in mid-June, the sun is at its highest at around 77.1° to 77.5° at 1:39 pm.

Being aware of when the sun rises and sets helps people make the most of their day. This way, everyone can take advantage of Knoxville’s sunny hours.

Date Sunrise Time Sunset Time Day Length
June 1 6:21 am 8:48 pm 14 hours 27 minutes
June 20 (Solstice) 6:20 am 8:50 pm 14 hours 31 minutes
June 12 6:17 am 8:48 pm 14 hours 31 minutes
June 28 6:24 am 8:53 pm 14 hours 29 minutes


Knowing Knoxville’s local time is very important for many things. It helps in setting up meetings, planning trips, and making sure you don’t miss anything important. This article has covered the details of Knoxville’s clock, including its time zone, and how it handles daylight saving time. It also mentions the tools you can use to stay on top of the time.

Today, keeping track of Knoxville’s time is easier thanks to clock widgets and apps on your phone. It’s also key to know when the sun rises and sets. These tools make things smooth, freeing you to focus on what’s important without worrying about time. The impressive work on bike lanes in New York City has inspired Knoxville, making city life more lively.

Time in Knoxville means a lot more than just what’s on a clock. It plays a big part in everyday life. With our detailed guide, understanding Knoxville’s time is simple. It puts you ahead, allowing you to start each day accurately and easily.

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