ben kredich knoxville

Ben Kredich Knoxville – Latest News and Updates

Welcome to the latest on Ben Kredich, a key Knoxville swimmer. His life and work have deeply touched many in Knoxville’s swimming circles. Unfortunately, Ben Kredich, at just 24, died in an accident caused by a driver previously given Narcan for an overdose. The community is now closely following the “Ben Kredich Act” and related legal proceedings following this sad event.

The “Ben Kredich Act” passed with full support in the Tennessee General Assembly. State Senator Becky Duncan Massey and Ben’s parents, Matt and Kim Kredich, were key in this effort. The law will help identify drug use within 24 hours of impaired driving incidents. It will also teach those treated with Narcan about the dangers of driving afterward. Matt Kredich reported feeling very thankful, hoping it will save lives and honor his son.

Shannon Walker, the driver who hit Ben Kredich, faces 12 charges. These include vehicular homicide and driving under influence. This case is important to Knoxville’s swimming community as they push for justice for Ben. Walker’s history of DUI and assault makes the charges even more serious.

Key Takeaways

  • The “Ben Kredich Act” passed unanimously in the Tennessee General Assembly.
  • The Act aims to establish evidence of substance usage within 24 hours of incidents involving impaired driving.
  • The Act includes educational provisions for individuals treated with opioid antagonists like Narcan.
  • Shannon Walker, accused of hitting Ben Kredich, has been indicted on 12 counts.
  • The Knoxville swimming community mourns Ben’s loss while supporting his legacy through ongoing legal and legislative efforts.

The Life and Legacy of Ben Kredich

Ben Kredich’s journey was filled with dreams and big wins. It made a legacy that still encourages many today. His story is about love for swimming, hard work in school, and deep family values. He became a well-known person in Knoxville because of this.

Ben Kredich’s Early Life

Ben Kredich was born on March 13, 1999, in Providence, Rhode Island. He had autism from a young age. But, he did well in school, going to places like Mary Munford Elementary and West High School in Knoxville. He got a special diploma from West High School in 2017.

Ben fought for education where everyone is welcome. In 2019, he spoke for “Ben’s Bill” and the STEP UP Scholarship in Nashville. He believed all students should get to learn fully.

Swimming Career at the University of Tennessee

Ben Kredich shone in swimming at the University of Tennessee. He broke many records there. His hard work and strong spirit left a lasting mark in the swimming world.

At the University of Tennessee, Ben aimed to outdo not just personal but also team records. His dedication motivated his teammates. His impact on Knoxville’s swimming scene was big and positive.

Family and Personal Background

Ben was the dear son of Matt Kredich, coach of the University of Tennessee’s swim team. His life reflected the strong morals his family gave him. He was known for being fair, caring, loyal, hardworking, and devoted.

His brother Miles and younger brother Coleman, plus his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, keep his memory alive. The Kredich family reminds everyone of the commitment and spirit Ben lived by.

Ben was also a talented musician. He played the piano, cello, ukulele, and more. His music added another layer to his already impressive life.

Ben Kredich’s legacy is about living fully, with success in swimming, passion for people’s rights, music, and helping the community. His work encourages others, making sure his influence lasts long into the future.

The Tragic Accident and Its Aftermath

The Knoxville community is deeply hurt by Ben Kredich’s death. This tragedy happened on Kingston Pike. It changed Ben’s family and friends’ lives forever. This event also started legal actions against those at fault.

tragic accident

Details of the Accident

Ben Kredich’s bright future ended suddenly. The police say chaos filled Kingston Pike that day. Shannon Walker’s car hit Ben. Before the crash, Walker drove dangerously and did not respond to the situation.

Legal Proceedings

Legal actions began to make Shannon Walker responsible. The court is looking into what happened on that sad day. They are focusing on charges of vehicular homicide because of DUI. The aim is to show how severe the actions were.

Shannon Walker’s Indictment

Indicting Shannon Walker was a step towards justice. Walker is accused of vehicular homicide and DUI. The court discussed Walker’s carelessness. This indictment stresses the dangers of drunk driving and its tragic outcomes.

Introduction of the Ben Kredich Act

The tragic death of Ben Kredich has sparked significant action in Tennessee. Named after him, the Ben Kredich Act focuses on reducing opioid-related DUIs. It makes sure individuals treated with Narcan cannot drive soon after.

introduction of the Ben Kredich Act

Development of the Act

Shannon Walker, accused of hitting Ben, received Narcan for an overdose hours before the crash. This event highlighted the urgent need for tougher laws against opioid DUIs. The Act sets rules for gathering evidence of drug use within 24 hours of an incident.

It also suggests that the defendant was too impaired by drugs to drive safely.

Passing Through Tennessee General Assembly

The Ben Kredich Act made fast progress through legislation. It passed with ease in both state chambers, showing wide support for combating opioid DUI risks. On April 24, the House approved it, and House Speaker Cameron Sexton signed it.

It’s now heading to Governor Bill Lee for his signature.

Event Date
Ben Kredich was born March 13, 1999
Ben Kredich graduated from West High School 2017
Ben Kredich testified before the Senate Education Committee 2019
Shannon Walker indicted on 12 counts April 17, 2023
Ben Kredich Act passed in House April 24, 2023

Ben Kredich’s advocacy and sudden death have led to meaningful legislative efforts. With Governor Bill Lee’s pending approval, there’s hope that the Ben Kredich Act will be a critical measure against opioid DUIs.

Ben Kredich Knoxville: Community Reaction and Support

Ben Kredich’s death has deeply moved Knoxville. The city is mourning together, showing a strong sense of unity. Known for his swimming talents, Ben’s passing has brought people together to support his family and remember his legacy.

community reaction

Community Mourning

Since Ben Kredich passed away, Knoxville has been coming together in remembrance. Memorial services and gatherings are common, with loved ones sharing stories of Ben. Friends, family, and his team at the University of Tennessee remember his life and spirit together.

These moments show how much Ben meant to everyone. They also showcase the deep loss felt across the community.

Support for the Kredich Family

Support for the Kredichs has been overwhelming. They’ve received donations and a vast network of emotional support. This shows Knoxville’s dedication to keeping Ben’s spirit alive and supporting his family.

Setting up scholarships in Ben’s name is one way the community honors him. It shows the lasting impact of his life and work.

Future Community Initiatives

The community is now looking to the future, inspired by Ben’s advocacy. New community initiatives focus on road safety and education. The Kredich family works with locals and groups to lead these changes.

These actions aim to reflect Ben’s values and make the community better. Knoxville is committed to making these improvements in Ben’s memory.


Ben Kredich’s life and tragic death have deeply affected Knoxville and the swimming community. He was a standout athlete at the University of Tennessee. He also fought for educational rights for people with disabilities. His passing has brought attention to the dangers of opioid DUIs, leading to important law changes.

The “Ben Kredich Act” was created to prevent future tragedies. It was pushed forward by his family and supporters. The act deals with opioids, like Narcan, and how they affect driving. It aims to make roads safer by addressing impaired driving squarely.

The Tennessee General Assembly unanimously passed the Ben Kredich Act. It’s a clear sign of the community’s desire for positive change. The act sets rules for proving substance use and assumes impaired driving within 24 hours of an incident. It’s a crucial step in fighting opioid DUIs and honors Ben’s memory by making roads safer.

Knoxville is coming together in its grief. The community is supporting the Krediches, showing immense solidarity. Alongside lawmakers like Becky Duncan Massey and Sen. Gloria Johnson, they seek better safety and responsibility. The “Ben Kredich Act” is an important law and a powerful tribute. It shows how one person’s life can lead to major changes and protect the community.

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